Luis Anibal Calderon, a distinguished third-generation coffee farmer, captivates with his collection of rare and exotic coffee varieties. His farm, home to unique heirlooms, mutations, and hybrids like the elusive pink bourbon, is a testament to his dedication. Luis employs a meticulous process—hand-sorting cherries, fermenting them anaerobically for six days, and drying them under the farm’s cool micro-climate—at his 1600m-high Villa Betullia. From starting his coffee journey at just nine years old, Luis has crafted a legacy of innovation and passion. His farm is a treasure trove of coffee excellence, promising to unveil a world of extraordinary nuance.
Read More About LuisThis is Venuste Mugraniza, a former school teacher turned coffee producer. We've had the privilege of partnering with him as he empowers his community through sustainable coffee production. We're proud to share his journey and the positive impact he's making, hoping it inspires others in the coffee world.